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Dental Implant Aftercare: The Dos & Don’ts

person at the dentist getting examined

Aftercare, as with any form of oral operation or procedure, is just as important for dental implants. Your gums and adjacent teeth have gone through a considerable procedure and need time to adjust to their new neighbours. Caring for your dental implants needn’t be a complicated or difficult thing to do on a daily basis. With assistance from our professionals, dental implant aftercare is as easy as you would think.

The Longevity Of Dental Implants

Dental implants are designed to be around for up to two decades with proper care. This incredible length starts with the proper healing process right after they’ve been fit. 


Dental aftercare includes care for not only the dental implants themselves but for your whole mouth – teeth and gums. Carrying out the proper form of aftercare will allow for your dental implants to settle and, naturally, be a part of your mouth as if they’d always been there.

The Healing Process

Typically, you’ll have to consciously care for your new dental implants for up six months. Within this time frame, key forms of aftercare will take place. Here are some examples – bearing in mind, a specific care plan will be provided and catered to your specific form of dental implant by our professionals.



  • Try to eat primarily soft food during the initial period after the procedure.
  • Rinse your mouth with the mouthwash our professionals recommend.
  • Ensure your mouth is kept as clean as possible, especially soon after the procedure.
  • Our experts can prescribe medication where needed. Taking these should lower the discomfort levels you could be experiencing.
  • Additional painkillers and anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen, may be taken if needed. Clarification with the dentist will be needed to ensure there is no overdosing of prescribed medication.


  • Eat hot food or drink for the first 24 hours.
  • Do anything strenuous during the first few days after having the dental implants fit.
  • Smoke or drink alcohol after the dental implant process as this could slow or negatively affect the healing process.
  • Wear any form of denture that covers the dental implants.
  • Use a straw or e-cigarette after the procedure as that may cause damage to the sensitive area.

What To Eat And Not To Eat

As we’ve mentioned, it is best to avoid the consumption of primarily hot food during the first 24 hours. The reason this is a large part of the dental implant aftercare process is the affected area will likely be incredibly sensitive. A lot has been changed within your oral space and, in some cases, much will have been disturbed. To ensure your dental implant aftercare goes as smoothly as possible, heat must be avoided.


We also recommend sticking to soft food within the initial period of the dental implant aftercare. Putting as little stress on your jaw, gums and teeth will minimise stress and ensure the use of your mouth is kept to a minimum while the initial swelling/discomfort has levelled.

Daily Care Process

During the first few days of the dental implant aftercare process, the main objective is to keep the chance of external irritations and negative happenings to a minimum. 


Daily, it is usually recommended to ensure your oral health is kept at a high level. Doing so will create a healthy environment for your new dental implants to settle and the irritation of the procedure to a minimum. This is also why it is recommended to follow the dental implant aftercare advice provided by your professional dentists. The specific care instructions will provide a solid base for the best outcome. No two cases are the same so it is encouraged to listen and learn from your dentist where possible.


If you do negatively affect the area, such as using the wrong mouthwash or eating hard foods too soon, this could damage the dental implant area and cause further irritation. Doing so could also introduce infections and prolong the overall dental implant aftercare process.

What If I’ve Damaged By Dental Implants?

If you’ve damaged your dental implants, we highly recommend getting in touch as soon as possible so we can rectify any problems you may be experiencing. Check-ups would be advised by our dentists but if any problems arise, phone our line on 02380442626.

Book Your Free Consultation

If you’re considering getting dental implants, we’re happy to offer a free consultation. During the consultation, you’ll receive all information needed for you to make an informed decision about the possibility of getting the smile you’ve always wanted.

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