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Diving deeper into the dental implant experience


So, you already know that you want to go ahead with tooth replacement, but do you know what will happen next at our clinic in Southampton? Dental implants are a popular restoration method that offers a functional and beautiful solution to the problem of missing teeth. Expert Implants have plenty of experience giving people in-depth information about their forthcoming treatment without overwhelming them.

Dental-Implants-SouthamptonThese are some of the unexpected things that people learn when they decided to get dental implants:

  • Southampton dental implants are successful in more than 95% of cases – at Expert Implants, we have a high success rate for dental implants under normal circumstances. There are some factors, like health or smoking, that can affect your chances of having dental implants fitted smoothly, but we can talk to you about these during your initial appointment. We may be able to offer advice or change your treatment to allow for special circumstances. It is part of our job to adapt a standard treatment to suit your circumstances;
  • We can change your oral environment at our clinic in Southampton – dental implants need certain circumstances in order to offer you all the benefits they have to offer. If you do not have these circumstances when we first examine you, we can add some preparatory work to your treatment plan to create them. There are few patients who cannot have some form of dental implants fitted. Even if you are one of those, we can talk to you about other tooth replacement methods when you visit Expert Implants;
  • Dental implants have a positive effect on the jawbone tissues – missing teeth often lead to deterioration in the jawbone. This is because the body recognises that the area is no longer being used as normal and so it diverts resources to other areas where they might be more useful. Once dental implants are fitted, it recognises that the area is in use again and resupplies it with blood vessels and nutrients which means the disintegration stops and even reverses in some cases. This is beneficial for any remaining teeth. It also has cosmetic benefits because jawbone loss can lead to the face appearing sunken while dental implants can restore a fuller look.

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